Sunday, June 13, 2010

Madiba, the Great!

The newly built Soccer City stadium is humungous and very beautiful. The authorities have done a fantastic job in terms of road accessibility and providing all the basic facilities at the stadium. There is no chance of getting lost or not being able to find your seat in the stadium inspite of the 94000 capacity seater stadium. As sson as you look confused, there would be some volunteer who would enquire and guide you to your destination.
Interestingly all the seatings are in the form of bucket seats and there is absolutely no question of filling more people beyond the capacity as practised by most of the stadiums in India.
Nobody had expected that Bafana would give such a good fight to Mexico. It was a tremendous effort by the midfield although the defence leaves a lot to be desired.
But according to me the highlight of the day has to be the pin drop silence in the stadium when President Zuma announced that Dr. Nelson Mandela could not attend the opening cermoney because of a tragedy in his house. I was really touched when people stopped blowing their vuvuzela's and were in a state of shock. This emotion substantiates the immense and undying popularity of the masses towards the one and only Madiba!

1 comment:

  1. Do not forget to get a vuvuzela!!!! -- to treasure the memories of WC 10.....

